//* //* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION(S): //* TMVT801 - //* Modify IEAANIP (NIP stage 2 sysgen macro) to: //* * Increase base master scheduler region size //* from 12K to 18K //* * Restrict SMARTNIP processing to tape and DASD //* * Skip location 80 timer working check //* * Fix storage initialization problem with 16MB of storage //* * Fix SYS1.DUMP initialization problem with 16MB of storage //* * Add IEFSD061 (step termination) and IEFSD062 (step //* initiation) and their aliases to default LPA list //* * Force default if "RAM=" not specified at IPL //* to be "RAM=00,11" instead of "RAM=00" (read both //* IEAIGG00 and IEAIGG11 for resident routine names). //* //* COMPONENT: 360S-CI505-EBB2218 //* //* APARS FIXED: TMVT801 //* //* SPECIAL CONDITIONS: //* IOGEN: An I/O generation is required for implementation //* of the functionality added by this usermod. //* GENTYPE = IO //* //* COMMENTS: //* LAST CHANGE: 2010/07/09 //* //* THE FOLLOWING MODULES AND/OR MACROS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS USERMOD: //* //* MACROS //* IEAANIP //*