Home > Hercules > SVS

IBM's follow-on mainframe operating system to OS/360 MVT was OS/VS2, originally available in 1972. VS2 Release 1 was essentially MVT operating in virtual storage instead of real storage. It was referred to as SVS (Single Virtual Storage) because it provided a single 16 megabyte virtual storage to be shared by all jobs and users, regardless of the size of installed physical memory.

SVS retained the OS/360 job queue, and supported readers and writers much like those of MVT for spooled I/O. Many installations used HASP or ASP instead of SVS readers and writers.

The last version of SVS was OS/VS2 SVS Release 1.7 in 1974. This release was followed by OS/VS2 MVS Release 2.0, which was essentially a whole new operating system.

Here's some text about SVS.

Here's some text about SVS.

Here's some text about SVS.

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